What is the O Shot?
January 6 2018
What is the O Shot?
The O Shot is a very quick procedure that can help women increase their sexual pleasure, increasenatural lubrication and help with incontinence. Our Nurse Practitioner will draw your blood and then put it in a centrifuge machine to spin it down and seperate the plasma from the blood. This is known as PRP.A topical numbing is applied in the vaginal area prior to the procedure. Once you are completely numb, the plasma is then injected into your vaginal area. This part only takes a few minutes and there is no pain at all. There is no down time to this procedure, so you can resume normal activities right afterwards. Results can take anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks. This treatment is best done in conjunction with the ThermiVa treatment and most patients will do this one time per year.
What is PRP?
PRP is Platelet Rich Plasma and wheninjected or microneedled intoyour body, will help re-generate new cells, which over time, will basically restore the youth in the area being treated. PRPis used on faces to help re-generate new and more youthful skin, scalps to help re-generate new hair growth, and a man's penis to also help with erectile dysfuntion or increase sexual pleasure. PRP is very safe and since your body will recognize it'sown plasma itcauses your brain to communicate to the area being treated to reproduce new cells, which basically turns back time in that area.
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